BidenLadysMan · 4 answers · 2y

Dark question. How Long do you think you will live, and how do u think you will die?🙂

Cancer is quite common on both sides of my family so probably of cancer around 70-80 years old.

Unless I don't stop drinking, then it'll be alcoholism.

I'm currently successfully tapering off again. Addiction is a bitch.

Existentialism we meet again... I don't think I've fully lived tbh. No clue, my dad died last year unexpectedly. Still trying to fully accept not seeing him. Hmmm.. when and how I die I just hope I touched people's lives for the better tbh .I'm no saint but I want to have some small ripple before I'm ripped from earth's timeline. Wbu?

A Swedish study "found that autistic adults died an average of 16 years younger than the general population" and that "autistic people with no learning disabilities are nine times more likely to take their own lives than the general public" (suicide was the second most common cause of death behind heart disease).

I feel like I'll do well to survive into my 70s and beyond. If I don't end up taking my own life, I think it'll either be heart-related, cancer, or as a result of alcoholism.

No idea. Hopefully not too long after my parents die. Probably a heart attack or stroke.

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