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Leucrotta pseudomonoceros 🔞 · 3 answers · 2y

Since a lot of puffballs have wings, I think it would make sense if they had the tendency to groom and preen each other. Helps reinforce bonds, AND keeps the wings in working order…

That said, sit close enough for long enough to a borb, and they’ll start doing the same to you, whether you have wings or not 😆 They’ll rub their cheek glands with their hands, and start finger-combing your hair, working it in like a hairdresser adding gel… you’re hair will be nice and weatherproof WHEEZE

Borb internal instincts lmao. Yeah borbs tend to do that when they are board or have nothing better to do. I dont think borbs need to do it all the time since they already very good at taking care of their wings. unless ur dmk of course

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