cLOUD · 5 answers · 2y

What’s your favorite merry holiday memory ?

Going to visit family in Mexico during the holidays. Gift-giving is not a big thing on Christmas Day.

Maybe its weird but I've grown to really like my adult christmases. Its nice to just stop the grind and I really look forward to giving my parents nice presents. It doesn't have the 'magic' as it did when I was a kid... but it still ends up feeling nice :)

When I was a child German telly repeated each year a series of very old BW movies about the Empress of Austria when she was a young girl and fell in love with the then future emperor. And I was totally in love with the actress then. It was all very cheesy and sticky sweet and I indulged in that crush very much.

I vaguely remember (actually, remember remembering) when I was probably 4 or 5 running back and forth in the living room saying "Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming!"

Another good memory is being in my grandmother's old house by the beach on Christmas eve with the whole family (on my dad's side) and falling asleep on the couch by the fireplace. I was probably roughly the same age then, too.

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