Merida · 7 answers · 2y

Does It bother you when people repeat their questions?

Use to find your inbox full of shout outs that are unoriginal questions and such.

But just let them know they're repeating themselves, if it hasn't been that long since they asked.

On here? Well the people I follow here don't usually do that. At least I haven't noticed. I don't think I would mind ...

When they do it in orger to trigger my attention or make themselves better understood it is a valid method. When they do it to reassure themselves about their own question it is ok too. But the software here sometimes reposts the already sent question on a second press of the <return> key, which gets on my nerves.

On here? No I don't really care...Not really IRL either, but it does when I have to repeat the answer (also half the time I don't remember being asked the question or answering it in the past)

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