Kalaia. · 8 answers · 10mo

How do you cope with loneliness?

Aku lakuin hal yang aku suka! Aku suka lakuin makeup, terus aku baca buku yang aku punyaaa. Gak jarang jugaa aku nonton film

I suppose this has been one of my bad habits, but, I tend to invalidate my feelings for when I feel this way. Distractions are a great companion, but to push yourself to believe you aren't alone makes it feel less lonely, if that makes sense? Definitely not something I'm recommending to anyone, but it's a question and I've got answers.

Usually aku bakal do something I want to do like, doing make up sambil denger lagu or baca buku apa main rp {not recommend 😿} atau aku mungkin bakal coba pergi keluar. I love strolling around walau kadang masih suka malu kalau sendirian. But overall that's fine

do what makes you feel most alive. when you fully embrace the present without passing judgment or chasing extreme emotions, that's when you experience life to its fullest. it's about immersing yourself in the moment and savoring every bit of it. over time, it becomes second nature, and that's when you truly feel alive. but remember, it's important to prioritize those activities that ignite your passion and bring you joy, and make sure to engage in them regularly.

Idk... I love being alone so much jadi gatau gabegitu sering ngerasain loneliness.... Or maybe kalau misal aku ngerasa loneliness aku bakal nyari kesibukan sendiri I have a lot of things to do kayak baca buku, watch movies, painting, etc.

I tend to go sleep.. eventhough it doesnt make things feel better. Sometime its getting worse, but sometime its work. Or i will just looking for something to do. So i can give out my energies to do something positive

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