Gee · 16 answers · 1y

Good night fellas, can you tell me what your current songs you play?

I’m 12 hours late… but my current play song is Crolatte by Yunan Helmi & Nuca! Give it a listen deh enaaak ✨

im currently listening to the newest txt album, tnc:temptation! tinnitus is my best choice; you should hear that too and let me know if you have the same taste in music as me 🎵💓

I’m sorry for the tardiness, Keith. Now I’m playing Out The Roof by Chase Atlantic.

it's not night anymore, but it's okay the last time (yesterday) i listened to serana because i was confused..

One song that has been on repeat in my playlist lately is You’re On Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift.

hey, morning keith! currently i am listening to 2soon by keshi. . ah not only that, i also still listen to my favorite song, which is about you - the 1975. what about you? may i know what song have you been playing lately?

im playing my go-to-sleep playlist right now, it's playing 3005 by childish gambino

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