Mad · 7 answers · 2y

Whats your general MO when it comes to creating OC's? Do you try and give 'em a clean detailed written beginning and end? Make em a sandbox style, built for interactions kinda theme?

Originally, my OCs were just... there, for the sake of whatever fandom I was into at the time. They really had no official backstory or function.

But after my fandom Wikia days, I formatted my OCs like I would do a Wikia page, and they inevitably end up with stories - either on their own or involving others; it's mainly due to the ideas running around in my head at 3 a.m. and a lot of them were excellent material for possible character development. Some of my OCs are for sandbox purposes, others exist exclusively for interactions, and a select few are for storyline purposes. It's whatever feels right to me, at the time ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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