Kate Matsuda · 6 answers · 3y

How much of a perfectionist are you? Exaples for easy going and extremes welcome!

I am a dictator. Or I totally DGAF. There’s no in between really. But mostly the former.

Depends what it is - I hand-made a wooden jewelry box as a Christmas gift at the end of last year and it went something like - measure twice, cut once, hate it, toss it, measure three times, cut halfway through and stop and grab another piece and start over, I probably cut up enough wood to build a house because the damn thing had to be perfect...now if I had built something for myself I would have slapped some finish on the first block and called it a day

I like to get things done in style more than perfect, cz being unique is perfect somehow.

I’m a perfect pain in the ass to work with because I expect nothing less than your best effort, but I usually fuck up being overly critical.

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