Kate Matsuda · 10 answers · 3y

Are there any easter eggs on this site? I suspect so much, but never found it. Damn!

There used to be a thing where if you set the name to your name to Dio Brando it would change it to WRYYYYYYYY when you saved it.

Well, there is a particular picture present on the website. Other than that, we have one more, but for usual easter egg hunters that should be an easy find, so I won't tell!

The owners of this site decided this was anarchy, now that it's up and running. Each and every complaint about me was taken seriously back around 2015...

No, but if you dig around deep enough you'll notice a slew of former kiwi users with abandoned profiles exist. Also, xvillyv's original suspended account (xvillyx) has a sent questions tab with the same kinds of questions the "anon" regularly sends out. But that's probably a coincidence.

There is one, she’s more of the strange bird that hatches the Easter eggs though

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