Kate Matsuda · 5 answers · 5y

Private theatre club. The actress who plays Circe is ill. Now they want me to take over! My knees feel like butter. I have to learn by heart a massive amount of text! What challenge did hit you that you wanted and didn't want the same time?

every time I have to do a presentation. I like to do it because I know I fuckin kill it and impress people every time, but I also don't like it because it's work

This happened to me once. Called in to meet the director a few days before opening night and asked to take on a principal role. I said yes, of course. Then came the hard work of learning the dialogue. All one line of it. Four whole words. I won’t lie and say it was easy, but I got my head down and put in the minute it took to memorise them all. The show was a triumph. I like to think my, “How old is he?” was the high point for many of the theatregoers.

That's terrifying and cool at the same time...are you doing the Odyssey?

Anyway it's usually when I'm asked to perform some kind of leadership role everyone else is too scared to do, I wouldn't really mind doing it except for the fact that I would be running things without getting paid like the guy running things

Wow ! That's a great challenge ! You must try it. :-)
I don't know if it's ever happened to me. I can't remember that. It must be too old , I think.

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