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Rese. · 3 answers · 1mo

Your favorite song of last week.

Rese. · 2 answers · 1mo

May you give a tiny bit review of being friend with Rese?

In his own world, minding his business, which is good. He is a fun person to talk to, but in order to get closer to Rese, you need to constantly have conversations with him. One thing we had in common: if a chat goes unanswered for more than a day, it probably won't be answered until he remembers it again. Not your fault though 😂

Rese. · 2 answers · 1mo

Hey guys, what are your main plans to spend weekend?

Rot in bed, kalo gak males buka laptop ngerjain kerjaan soalnya gue kagak suka full during weekdays. 😅

Zels · 13 answers · 1mo

random one but what fictional characters you might associate with me?

Someone · 2mo

hi ken. do you set your eyes on someone?

Someone · 3mo

Soalnya suka liat cara lu ngobrol sama temen-temen lu 😔 Maaf ya kalo aneh semoga gak mengganggu 😔 Gue cuma suka liat cara lu interact sama your mutuals 😔 Sayang banget gue bukan salah satu mutual lu yang deket tapi gpp 😔 Jangan lupa istirahat disela-sela kesibukan lu itu 😔

Thanks for complimenting me on how I interact with my mutuals, I truly appreciate it because I was an awkward potato before reaching this stage of life. By the way, jangan sungkan buat ngobrol ya, gue usahain akan selalu balas mention.

Also, thank you for reminding me to take breaks between my schedules, I hope the same goes for you.

Have a nice day!

Anya · 5 answers · 3mo

Happy long weekend! Now that you are two days in the long weekend, any epiphany or realization coming in these days? Let me tell you mine; mine is realizing I need to reach out to people a lot more. How about you?

Aletheia Jane · 7 answers · 3mo

Forget about Hogwarts house, which Divergent faction do you belong to, and why?

P · 7 answers · 3mo

Hai kangen kalian deh. Lgi pada sibuk apa? :"

Weston. · 6 answers · 3mo

Anyway, any suggest for releasing the toxicity mind before it becomes a form of bad habit?

Honestly I just stop thinking sometimes, like not thinking about that thing that makes you overthink. 🤒

Aletheia Jane · 9 answers · 3mo

Your honest thoughts towards this user?

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