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RhymewithRay · 17 answers · 1y

What are your favorite character design tropes?

Darkened extremities, toes, fingers, even all the way up to knees, thighs, elbows or biceps.

RhymewithRay · 14 answers · 1y

Explain your oc to me as badly as possible.

FloydianSlip73 · 6 answers · 1y

So, with Scarlet and Violet coming out in just a day, and with all the talk in the community about speculation/wants for the game, that made me wonder: What addition/change in any Pokemon game or gen has been your favorite looking back - be it a minor or a major one?

I really, really loved Mega Evo. I think as far as gimmicks go it was most likely the easiest and creative one they had. As well as a great springboard to further enhance already great designs. They altered types and abilities, and every game they could have just added more or cycled Megas to shake up the competitive meta.

Also, Pokeball seals. Where you could customize their appearance, I don't see why that ever got removed after being added, it was such a nice touch of personality.

RhymewithRay · 15 answers · 1y

what is the main visual concept behind your oc, if you had to summarise what they're about what would it be?

Lovely Stardust · 1y

How would you explain your Ocs AU's Ships?

Right now? T-th.. She doesn't have any! orz Ky's only AU so far is one in someone else's setting, and I don't wanna be pushy or disrespectful, so floating on the edges, being inspired and admiring at the same time is all I got atm.

Blind guess? Being a bit too carefree, leading people on, but knowing them enough that she's okay with whatever happens? At least on the surface level.

RhymewithRay · 9 answers · 1y

whats the worst hot take your oc has?

RhymewithRay · 12 answers · 1y

what's the worst hot take You have?

FloydianSlip73 · 9 answers · 1y

Bit of a seasonal question, with Halloween almost upon us: How well can your OCs stomach horror-related things? If they're into the spooky stuff, is there any kind specific they gravitate towards?

Oooh... Ky is a total wuss. No matter the medium she's very easily spooked, she's also not very experienced with things like movies and can't wrap her head around them not being real at times. So... Very easy to scare!

RhymewithRay · 14 answers · 1y

What are some quirks that your oc has? Things they do our of habit or ritual.

Ky's really bad with names, so when she first meets someone, she'll say their name or nickname five times and then proclaim it!

The longer she tries to think about something she doesn't understand, she'll lean to one side, at first with her head, then her whole upperbody, and if nobody clears it up in time she'll just fall over.

And when she gets particularly close to someone, she'll paint a finger or toe nail with their favourite colour! Essentially attaching that specific colour to them and her memories!

RhymewithRay · 15 answers · 1y

what would your oc go to jail for-

Most likely being the patsy for someone taking advantage of her. Unquestionably something along those lines.

RhymewithRay · 13 answers · 1y

what's your favorite candy?

Okay so... I... I don't know what they're called elsewhere but there are these things called "Musk Candy" and they're like, usually pink sticks or little cylinders, they're soft and really, really sugary sweet!

Lovely Stardust · 1y

How do you pronounce your last name in Earth english speak?

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