RhymewithRay · 14 answers · 1y

Explain your oc to me as badly as possible.

Sigurd - old sad yaoi man

Saki - will cause you diarrhea

Credo - unresolved parental trauma

1) burned out gifted kid syndrome in human form
2) Lawful Evil Corporate Dilf
3) hot mom in your area wants your legendary

Or as you put it to describe all of them; "work life balance? I dont need it because I dont have a life."

Hot young sugar mommy who is just one mental breakdown away from becoming a cult leader

And Just some guy who hangs out with a fox…

Jasmin: sickish girl no longer sick searches for ger brother on a wierd forest.

Youen: pathetic drunk man delivers high value items.

Andres: ex delinquent drinks coffee and scolds children

Ranae: Girl who travels and takes lots of selfies who also likes to work in maid cafes to dress up cute.
Emmeline: Girl who joins contests is kinda rude but does mean well and is passionate about her career.

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