RhymewithRay · 12 answers · 1y

what's the worst hot take You have?

I only really enjoy watching other people play Mario, sonic, and Zelda games rather than doing it myself aside from BOTW. I did beat sonic heroes and play shadow though as a kid.

The new She-Hulk tv show wasn't THAT bad (but also the famous celebs calling it a "masterpiece" are probably being threatened in some disney-style basement 🤣)

Digital Art >>>> Traditional Art

Moots =/= Friends

Being an anti/fandom cop is the equivalent of being in a cult.

The criticisms for new Fire Emblem games saying they look “too anime” or “doesn’t look like Fire Emblem” are dumb as hell. The franchise has always been incredibly anime, and Fire Emblem has never had a clear defined look. The art direction has always changed with new entries. Like just say they don’t like the art style and move on.

Loot boxes (for cosmetics) aren't a bad system especially if you can get them for free for just playing the game

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