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𝑄𝑢𝑖 𝑣𝑖𝑣𝑟𝑎 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑎.

Starry night over the rhone, 1888.
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The Lover · 1y

Despite what you have been through, I’m proud of you for having the courage to keep loving deeply in a world that sometimes fails to do so. I am proud of you heart, and most importantly I am proud for having you.

Sayang, if you are reading this.. clearly, I don't know where to start expressing my gratitude and my love that grows even bigger for you each day. Any thoughts I could have of the perfect person went out the window when you came into my life. Thank you so much for always being there for me, for loving me in your own special ways, for always listening and looking out for me. My only wish is to stay in your arms for eternity and think about the lovely life we are going to pursue in the future! We have forever indeed. I am beyond blessed to have you in my life. Even prouder to be yours, sayangku. ❤︎

The Lover · 1y

I love you, my amazing girlfriend.

I love you so much more, boyfriend. I love you beyond words and that's forever.

The Lover · 2y

You deserve nothing but love. Thank you for always radiating positive energy towards your surroundings, Ca. Your soul is beautiful.

I.. truly am at loss for words. I am glad if you think so and I believe I shall continue being me. Thank you, that means a lot.

The Lover · 2y

KAKA LUNET, SUARANYA CANTIK BANGET?? aku udah beratus ratus kali dengerin backburner yang kala nyanyiin... aku cinta banget..... terimakasih udah nyanyi secantik itu ushehfkslsks SERING SERING POST NYANYI YA KAAAA 🤍🤍🤍

The Lover · 2y

eissa...... i'm very sorry if this sounds inappropriate, but...... are you... perhaps.... into girls.... hehe........ isitokayifihaveacrushonyou (ngumpet)

Oh, my. Hello? Thank you for stopping by, my dear. It's actually cute and yet, I find it uncomfortable to answer this question of yours in public. I am very sorry about that. I hope the rest of your evening is going to be blessed with joy and happiness. ❤︎

The Lover · 2y

Fi about me, yang bagus ye. (Gabriello)

We met on 505, you seemed very cool to me. Not to mention you had a few crushing on you? You were radiating that CNN vibe but it all turned upside down when we started talking on cyber. You are effortlessly funny, you portray nobody but yourself and that's so admirable. Looking forward to having much more interactions with you, El. God bless! ❤︎

The Lover · 2y

Sa, gua Gabriello

Killian. · 2y

Thoughts on me, please?

Judas, si paling He/Hang Ho/Heng. I think you are very much an open book. You might look like you're hard to approach at the first glance but you actually are very friendly. I enjoy my time talking to you at nights, and you always know how to give a proper response that is comforting whenever I am having inconvenience. Keep being you, Ju. I cherish you a lot. May this friendship of ours last long. Oh, and please be happy!

The Lover · 2y

Kenapa sih suka pap RL? Do you think you're pretty? Ngerasa seleb? Hadeh.

How could I not? Confidence is sexy, baby. Has anyone said you're pretty today? I have received some. Now get out, this isn't your place.

Hideo. · 14 answers · 2y

Kalau lagi kasmaran enaknya manjat pohon atau kayang di udara ya guys?

Lily · 19 answers · 2y

Hi, are you doing okay?

Depends on what you define as okay. I have to deal with severe headaches so often as of late. I’ve also been dissociating a lot more, trying to keep my mind busy for I allow myself to process my thoughts and emotions even for a moment. Apart from that, yeah, all good. Honestly appreciate you posting this question. Feels good to write and share.

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