
Let us find inner freedom in each lucky moment that we encounter.

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𝓐 din · 13 answers · 8mo

good meowning >____< pagi ini kalian sarapan apaa?

Theresia. · 19 answers · 8mo

what makes you guys decide to cut off someone?

When someone direspect the lil things and take them for granted. Keep it brief or cut them off, i let someone go as far as they want and if they crossed the line i'll cut off or removed from my life indiscriminately. I don't like extra shit.

SecretAgent · 8mo

i'm glad you're out of that awful relationship with someone who doesn't understand your busy life at all bcz I've been in your shoes, where i was overwhelmed with my whining girl who wanted me to be by her side 24/7, when i also had a busy real life. It's so hard to even realise myself and gather my energy.

Gosh, it's not entirely her fault. I know you're well-intentioned, but don't look bad or judge her. In fact, three-quarters of it is my fault. I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Cheer up!

SecretAgent · 8mo

kakakaakk urgent bangEt...ini cuma bisa ditolongin smaa kakak. i set my eyes onto someone who's confident for doing a casual relationship. >_< i fOund that he's so attractive, cool, and handsmeee! i cant handle my feelings for him..for u as initial...hic sobs menurut kamu aku deketin dia atau gausaa

SecretAgent · 9mo

kak kak, kamu gamau drop form fwa kah. minat isi pelis

SecretAgent · 10mo

kak, kata kakak ku kalau mau deketin kakak harus jadi orang sibuk ya? kira kira selain itu kriterianya apa lagi biar bisa deketin kakak? :p

Lucu kaya Nunung! Gak deh, bercanda ahahaha. Who likes to spread positive energy and say things directly without any codes 'cause this is not a game. Points plus if your name starts with the letter V and ends in S

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