Mad · 7 answers · 2y

If your OC was in a Gatcha game, what rarity would they be and what general playstyle/gimmick would they be?

Fausto and Balei would be five stars because I am biased lol

Fausto would have AoE damage but also give off big hits, One of his main gimmicks would be stunning enemies in a large fiery AoE!
Balei would be a sorta striker, dealing quick damage but also healing others! I think while attacking she would heal her allies just a lil bit, like a built in leftovers effect!

Jasmine (★★★★★): in a general sense i think she would be a main/sub dps with high crit damage and mobility. On Gachas I play I think she would be Genshin: Sword Dendro and in Fate/GO: Quick Focused Ruler

Andres (★★★★) : Andres would be a highrisk brawler meaning that the lower health he got the harder he hits. Genshin: Pyro Polearm (Actually a Pipe) Fate/GO: Arts/Buster Berserker

Stahl is just a 3* but a good reliable low rarity tank that unironically carries and becomes a fave of the F2P group. There are videos on youtube of Stahl Solo's against top end bosses.
Arryn is the 5* waifu that is like 90% horny fan art but has lasting power so she isn't just the 'flavour of the month'. Also created with an intentionally busted kit.
Avian... I actually designed a Pokemon Masters dialogue branch as a 4*. I can share with you if you want!

Gael would probably quite rare? Maybe a five-star idk

I'd imagine he'd be pretty offensive with some support capabilities! Maybe some buffing abilities? I could also see him having lifedrain

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