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Saori Kido · 12 answers · 7y

Who was your first crush?

A girl I grew up with named Amina, though we were both only around 6 years old so it didn't really lead anywhere, haha.

Saori Kido · 11 answers · 7y

If your love interest felt the same for you, what would you do? How would you now treat them?

I would of course ask them to be my girlfriend and then threat them mostly the same as I always have aside from adding more physical affection.

Saori Kido · 14 answers · 7y

Who is the most important person in your life?

Well, honestly I can't say just one, but for the sake of this question I will go with Sveta.

Saori Kido · 12 answers · 7y

If you could get rid of someone from your friend group who would it be?

Nova if only because she scares me sometimes... However, I still love her, haha

Saori Kido · 12 answers · 7y

What would your parents think about your love interest?

It's questionable honestly, they had my whole life all planned out and that included who I was going to marry, so it can go either way if I introduce them.

Saori Kido · 14 answers · 7y

Who is the most attractive person you know?

There are a lot of very lovely people in this school and around me, but of course I have to go with Sveta.

Saori Kido · 16 answers · 7y

If you had to kiss someone you knew, who would you kiss? No cheating smartasses, I mean on the lips!

Saori Kido · 9 answers · 7y

What do you find attractive (personality)?

She definitely has to be smart, tough and understanding, and I'd also like her to be motherly, positive and kind as I want a family one day.

Saori Kido · 9 answers · 7y

What do you find attractive (appearance)?

Sorry if I come off as being very basic, but I suppose I like what the average straight man is into, that is to say a decently sized chest, nice ass, long hair and nice legs.

Saori Kido · 12 answers · 7y

What is one thing you'd like your lover to do to you in the bedroom?

I don't really have anything like that, I'd just like for her to be comfortable, that's all.

Saori Kido · 13 answers · 7y

Who was the last person you masturbated to?

Saori Kido · 13 answers · 7y

You find naked pictures of your love interest online, what do you do?

Well, I would confront them about it, before anything I would like to make sure they actually know about them and then help them do whatever they desired about the problem.

Saori Kido · 15 answers · 7y

Who would win in a fight to the death, Hyoga or Shun?

Saori Kido · 19 answers · 7y

If you had to make out with someone other than your lover/Love interest who would it be?

Saori Kido · 10 answers · 7y

When was the last time you were snooping, and found something you wish you hadn’t?

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