
In this digital scrapbook, I open the pages of my life's diary.

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Anonymous Coward · 6d

Udah ga pernah ngebacot lagi, udah ga ada temen ya? Wkwkwwk.

Vanellope Chiara · 20 answers · 3mo

Kalau disuruh pilih 1 makanan to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be and why????

Aurich Heindelz · 40 answers · 3mo

Apakah ada yang mau followan/mutualan di X? Kindly drop your @ below!

Vanellope Chiara · 30 answers · 2mo

kalau perasaan kali lagi ga baik baik aja, kalian larinya ngapain sih? buat balikin mood kalian seperti semula?

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

CAYISSS km cantik banget kaya Chaewon hehehe aku gak bosen bosen bilang km mirip Chaewon!! Makasih banyak yaa udah jadi temanku. Makasih udah jadi orang yang keren & baik <3333. Be happy yaa, cantiknya semua orang <3.

IHHH NANGIS. T_____T!! Terima kasih banyaaaak sayangkuuuu. (Malu banget dibilang mirip Chaewon soalnya jauh) buuuuut, siapapun yang ngirim ini, semoga kamu juga bahagia terus yaaaa, you deserve it. Makasih udah repot-repot ke sini buat ngomong ini. Aku juga seneng bisa jadi temen kamu. Please let me know ini siapa, karena kamu pasti orang paling keren sedunia!!! Loves you a lot. <3

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

gimana rasanya ditinggalin semua orang? wkwkwkwk

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

kak im sorry for bothering you but i think everyone lagi stop hype lsf karena their controversy, so i hope you’d like to do that too for awareness. thank you kak.

Oh hey, first of all, I apologize in advance because I haven't updated about KPOP and I don't know about the controversy... Thank you for reminding me and telling me about this, yaaa. I'm very grateful. Thank you very much. <3

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

beneran pacaran atau cuma gimmick?

naomi. · 18 answers · 6mo

thoughts about nyomi? please feed my ego. 🥺♥️

My precious lady. <3 Cewek paling keren sedunia yang pernah aku kenal!! Selalu asik dan spreading her positive vibes. Happy virus buat semua orang. I hope she'll be happy alwaaaays, find her lover soon and always surrounded by wonderful people. Miss you <3

𝓐 din · 13 answers · 6mo

kamu tim "yang bener aja" atau "rugi dong"

𝓐 din · 7 answers · 6mo

ABSEN DULU YANG WOTA!! oshi kalian siapaaaa??? oshiku nona reva😋😋

𝓐 din · 10 answers · 7mo

boleh saranin aku ga pake muse siapa yang cocok dan masih aman?? 😓

𝓐 din · 11 answers · 7mo

hi adintuals! aku mau buat playlist bobo buat seseorang, ada saran ga lagu apa ajaa?? MAACIII

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