Nick · 9 answers · 2y

Has your OC ever had their heart broken? If so how quickly (if at all) did they recover from it?

not 2 be a debbie downer here but probably the worst out of the main cast is diego's loss of his wife (and basil, even though she came back). he still misses her despite having remarried. it's uncertain whether he'll ever truly make peace with her death

Minerva. It was her first crush. To put it bluntly he used her. Took awhile for her to trust people again. She has a hard time believing people care about her without caring about her status and family’s wealth. She does recover with the help of certain peeps. ;)

Ruth hasn't (yet) but Kingston has :^)

Back in Johto when he was in a long term relationship with someone that ended in a big breakup which sucked for him bc Kingston legitimately thought he would be with this person forever (as you do when you're young and In Love (tm)). After it ended Kingston wasn't able to get invested in any serious relationship and basically just hoed around trying to distract himself.

Fausto asked someone out when he was younger, they said that he was weird and that really hit his ego for awhile, more than awhile ago, he thinks about it sometimes...all the time

Heather, once. The boy she crushed on went on to date her elder sister for a long time. It stuck with her for longer than she's proud of, that's for sure.

Yes actually! Visi. He confessed his feelings to Ilima, but Ilima just saw him as a friend. He felt worthless for two days until Bede took him to the ruins of life, knowing Visi enjoys the silence of it. Bede avoids the ruins after the “Stow-On-Side Incident”, but then bringing Visi too them showed Visi how much he mattered to them. (This was before they started dating)

Fun fact: Nope. None of them. Grim did broke a couple of hearts when he was younger, despite his "violent streak" he was a teenage heartthrob. He regretted doing so a couple of years later

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