Daniel · 11 answers · 4y

Hiking in the mountains or going to the beach?

When I was at school in Scotland, barely a month went by that we didn’t get dragged up some hill or other. Always cold. Always wet. Always miserable. It put me off the going up of hills for life - although it’s thrilling sitting up a hill watching Air Force fighter jets (Tornadoes, Typhoons etc) scream through the valleys at a lower altitude than you are. I can highly recommend it. I also lived on the coast, and spent almost my entire childhood on a beach. Always cold. Always wet. Sometimes miserable. It put me off hanging around beaches for life - the sea off Scotland is beyond cold all year round. It’s not pleasant going in but after a minute or so the numbness sets in and you don’t feel it any more. I’m always shocked when I go into the sea in other countries and it doesn’t make me want to cry/pee myself/die.

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