Daniel · 12 answers · 4y

Hiking in the mountains or going to the beach?

I guess Hiking in the mountains. Bc I'd rather fall to my death in the peaceful wilderness than drown at a crowded beach.

I like hiking. Beach is usually more crowded and I don't like that. Our beaches are not as cool as the ones you have in western world because of the Islamic regime and whatnot.

Hiking in the mountains is fine, as long as I am not in danger to fall somewhere. I am severely afraid of heights.

If the beach is empty (no people or dangerous animals) I'll take the beach in the late evening. I am in too worse of a shape to deal with the mountains.

Mountains. The beach gets old.

Sorry Florida, your state sucks and "but we have beaches!" Doesn't make up for it.

I'd much prefer the latter, but I've definitely enjoyed the former. Went hiking up in Hurricane Ridge a couple of summers ago and really enjoyed it. Beautiful countryside. The name was not much of an exaggeration though. Brr.

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