RhymewithRay · 11 answers · 2y

What's an idea for an artwork that you want to do but keep putting on the backburner?

Grim through his 3 key phases. 13-14 year old feral child in Sinnoh. 16-18 year old spiteful monster let loose in Unova. 21-24 year old Gym leader turned E4 trying to somehow redeem himself. Don't know when or if I'll ever get to draw it since now I'm just too busy (╥﹏╥)

Rebooting PokeMeido and having more people join in! I have promo art ideas that I really want to draw but keep putting off.

I have at least two steamy drawings of Kaito that still haven't finished, alongside two Joltenne-related ones...

Mostly my introduction drawings for the rest of LAtica's gym leaders, as well as some of the Fakemon concepts I have still as just sketches.

I really want to make a ref sheet for my OC but Uni really is kicking my butt right now

I think League Cards would be really fun to make but i simply do not have the motivation

MANGA COVERS >:O I keep putting it off but I seriously wanna do one for each of my OCs, maybe do multiple for one character in particular because he has several arcs

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