RhymewithRay · 10 answers · 2y

How does your oc's personality change over time?

Initially when I first made Norrie she was going to be kind of cold, but I think talking about her with friends made me go “no….she’s a sweet little thing”, now she’s a little more than that as I’ve written that she really only feels like she’s has to act all happy and energized as she acts like the public image to Surico’s princess.
She doesn’t regret taking on the position as champion, she truly loves it, but she feels like it’s a lot of work to pretend she isn’t tired 😢 at least her liege lets her relax when she visits.

Dory becomes more confident in herself and comfortable in her body. She also becomes more certain in her own ability.

Jin's personality is actually pretty consistent from when she was younger, energetic and outgoing. (tho there was a point in time where she was in a much darker place) but the main difference for her now is that she knows when a situation calls for her to get serious.

When Mary was a kid she was considered a bit...odd by her parents, or at the very least she wasn't always the prim and proper lady her family expected her to be. After the attack that took her parents she of course was in a VERY dark place for a long time. But after time with her aunt and uncle she was able to get back some of that joyful spark from her childhood.

Wily goes from being a very matter-of-fact abrasive teenager to eventually a much more tolerant and accepting adult, finding out how much he can learn from other people.
He also goes full mad scientist "Only logic, no emotions" for a very short while and it messes him up REALLY bad when he snaps out of it, but when he recovers from it he's a much more openly caring and stable person.

Jas Used to be really Timid as kid since she was always bedridden at a hospital, however after beating her disease she kind of forced herself to be more out going and always tries to help kids in every way she can

Estella mellows out. She learns to control her temper better but also learns to wear her confidence in a much more mature fashion. By the end of her arc she can pull off Cynthia/Diantha tier poise and composure, but is still goofy

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