RhymewithRay · 10 answers · 1y

what are video games or phone games your oc would play?

Probrably zelda series splatoon mixed with gran turismo mario kart and animal crossing

Mary loves horror games. Especially with Jin sitting next to her watching along reacting to all the jumpscares that don't phase her.

Odd's big into RPGs, Metroidvanias, and psychological horror games

For his phone, he's more into puzzle games, something to keep his brain stimulated with.

Jasmine: Mainly phone games since she isn't at home most of the times, for example Idolmaster SideM or Genshin probably.

Andres: Strategy games or super Hardcore old jrpgs

Youen: online poker, and he would lose all his money

Avian hasn't bought a game in years but story driven action games & rpgs were his bread and butter

Stahl doesn't play games.

Arryn has played 2 games. Skullgirls and Hades. Peak.

Elio would (un)ironically be into Hades. Probably turn into a Zagreus fanboy since the former has the sweetest and most wholesome vibes ever while being physically close to his age, essentially destroying the shōnen uniqueness of that trope. Not to mention Zagreus' badassery in certain scenes.

Balei would play candy crush no doubt, she constantly has to wait for new levels cause she beats them so fast lmao

Fausto playing TEPPEN and Skullgirls

Tyler likes to play mainly actiony games or RPGs, and also games with flying mechanics, like Kid Icarus! He doesn't mind recommendations either

For phone games it's whatever he thinks is interesting at that moment, though he still uses Flappy Bird remakes or art apps

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