Sleet · 14 answers · 4mo

Hi guys I’m not feeling well; it would totally make me feel better if you, like, explained the tropes in your favourite media or ships…. or something……

this has been sitting in my inbox bc I keep forgetting to answer but! my fav tropes r probably like silly father who loves his kid but doesn't know how to show it, emotionally stunted x very expressive person, character trusting another one after trusting nobody for years, and more. I LOVE seeing parents who actually love their kids in media, it means so much to me.

best friends to lovers always gets me... the one person you'd trust with your whole life. you love them so much, yet are so scared of losing them. terrified they'll be freaked out. but in the end it just strengthens their friendship and not only are they best friends but theyre dating yayayayay This is about hit game cold front and I think the two characters should date

😭 Umm ship trope? Nerd x strong guy aka silly autism x evil autism tbh. Yall know who I mean I mean otasune baybee. Who wants me to drop the otasune essay

sun x moon . THis is a perfect example in suntan (sunny x kel omori) kel literally . checks in on sunny and goes over sooooo much cuz sunnys just a little emo boy . I LOVE SUN X MOON OIKJ

i love my wife he's so cutes ^ ,^ he brightens up my life even by just a "hi". she's my everything ❤️

parent-child relationships ... makes me sob. I just love anything with children but anything with a traumatized child / parent (of any kind, functional, dysfunctional, in between) gets me. Like in Oyasumi Punpun that shit made me SOB but only when the parents were there and oh man. At least 50% of the series I read and keep up with have some sort of child/caretaker dynamic in them. I generally like them better from the child's perspective but from the caretaker's perspective is really good too

...I definitely don't have parental issues what are you talking about

GOD OKAY OKAY FAUMEI. Technically almost everything I share about them are just headcannons, but they are Real To Me. Fauna is immortal, and even though Mumei has lived for hundreds of years together with fauna, her time is running out. So, doomed yuri basically. I also really like Kaede & Rena’s dynamic (from magireco) and I care for them so deeply… rena is your average tsundere-type characters, who’s very easily upset, while kaede is quite sensitive… kaede is trans weak spot, and they balance each other out perfectly… they’ve been best friends for years, but I also think they kiss each other yurifully

MMM best friends ! ^.^ they're also dating btw ... hehehe ... ( this is about rinpana if anyone knows about love live ... ) . i could pull a whole essay talking about them , if you want that as well ... i'm very normal about rinpana , if you couldn't notice > < /j

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