
“... dan bertutur katalah yang baik kepada manusia...” QS. Al-Baqarah: 83

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Rahasia. · 4mo

what’s your hogwarts house?

Ravenclaw(?) Aku lupa deh, soalnya aku nyoba tes itu udah lewat beberapa tahun yang lalu...

Julio · 4mo


Julio · 4mo

Mbak jujur lucu banget. Gimana kalau agak diturunin lightingnya?

Kay · 4mo

kak dee, i saw your acc(?) on retro timeline hehe
btw how was your day lately? puasanya lancar tidak? o.O

Hai, Kay! Maaf aku baru bacaaa. Akhir-akhir ini aku mulai bangun semangat lagi, setelah kemarin semingguan penuh lemes dan gak ada tenaga. Puasanya juga gak lancar karena sakit, huhuhu. Tapi sekarang udah lumayan baikan! Thanks for asking, yaa. Kamu sendiri gimana??

Aire. · 12 answers · 1y

How's life, everyone?

Always good because I only let the good get to me and don't pay too much attention to the sadness that tries to come into my day. I hope you are too, always happy, okay!

jiwa. · 17 answers · 1y

unpopular cemilan atau minuman kemasan andalan kalian apa? mau nyobain nih kalo bisa yang ada dijual di convenience store ya :D

Nissin Soklat! Itu biskuit dan cobain deh kalau kamu suka coklat yang ada sedikit asinnya. Kalau kamu suka martabak, cobain Chizmill yang rasa jasuke!

Rahasia. · 1y

hello, good person! just wanna remind you that you've been doing very well in everything. take care, and have an amazing day :) 💫💛

This one is so cute and thanks, sender! You really made my day. Have a really nice day too!

Aire. · 15 answers · 1y

(just for fun) what zodiac you will probably date and why?

Rahasia. · 1y

Kakak lily, semangat hari ini, have good day! Sayang kakak lily banyak banyak🥰

alodia zephyr. · 1y

what did you do on your birthday? did you enjoy every seconds of it? tell me tell me!

Aku hari ini gak banyak yang dilakuin sih, cuma bacain ucapan-ucapan baik dari semuanya, tiup lilin dan buka kado! And I really enjoyed every seconds of it, so much!

Ruby Aquamarine. · 1y

Lily! < 3 Good luck with whatever you're up to. Simply do not give up on yourself. You are more powerful than you realize. < 3 !! ✨

I just saw this and I feel touched while reading it. Thank you, Maeve! May all that goodness also return to you and always be happy!

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