Spudella · 6 answers · 5y

Jewellery on men? I'm just not a fan.

I don't mind. So long as they're not my man. Haha! :D Seriously though, a watch and a ring is fine. Just not a fan of multi layer thick gold/silver chains/necklaces and like, big rings on every finger. Nothing personal - I just don't like to be involved with robbery or kidnapping. hahaha

I don't really like earrings on men but bracelets, necklaces, etc. are okay. I wear a necklace with a charm and a bracelet on each wrist (one plastic, one glass). I've tried rings before but they're too irritating to wear.

Personally no, I wear a watch and my medical/DNR necklace and that's it. But I don't really care what anyone else does

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