Wally darling · 3 answers · 1y

"when i was ur age i already owned a house"

yeah. because it was $6.
your down payment couldn't even afford a frostee at an airport wendy's today. the last time houses were affordable was when college degrees were actually useful. Have you doom-scrolled through Zillow recently? it's like the realtor's cat walked across the keyboard and sat on the 0 key. the only way to own a house now is to patiently wait for Mrbeast to give you one.

Not to mention people walking into inheritance. People really out there making headlines on local newspaper with "This is how I got rich" and the meat of the article being "inherited a fat fortune, and living off interest".

Parents say lots of things without looking at today's prices. I'm waiting for hyper deflation, where everything costs $1 or less.

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