Daniel · 10 answers · 4y

What was the longest time that you have worn a mask? Do you find it very disturbing to wear a mask or does it feel ok?

I never check a watch when I am inside a Rewe Markt, maybe 22 minutes and I hate it. Gives me a mild headache every time, can't see true my glasses very well, breathing is more difficult but what can I do this time? I take it off the second I am out of the Rewe Markt. You see, I need to buy food and I don't want to pay a fine or get attacked my idiots. Thank you Corona, for showing me what a sorry ass species we humans really are. And I don't believe it protects us better from anything. To wash your hands with soap and cold water is legit. To enjoy a lot of Vitamin C also but this mask thing is just false.

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