Wasserpistole · 7 answers · 6y

Do you sometimes order food from amazon? If so, what do you usally order and enjoy?

I wish I could answer this with "No", but unfortunately my drunk ass purchased a fuckton of instant soup a long time ago.

Nur sehr selten. Ich hab mir mal sehr scharfe Nudeln bestellt, weil es die sonst nirgendwo gibt. Die Nudeln haben mir aber so den Mund weggebrannt, dass ich sie nicht nochmal bestellen werde

I ordered Vegemite once.

Would absolutely buy again if I had disposable income.

No but I've ordered herbs and supplements and stuff. I once ordered this cool lava salt. It was black and apparently the charcoal mops up toxins and stuff.

I mostly order specialty stuff that can't be found around these parts, like my Captain Maniac's Insane Infernal Death Sauce.

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