Alice 💋 · 7 answers · 3y

The "pro police" people seen here violently attacking DC's finest. Your thoughts?

"mmm i love our military! their boots taste so good and they protect our democracy <3"

5 min later: literally attempts to overthrow the results of a democratic election

What was the line, you taught me to use. Oh here it is. It's just the other side undercover, dressed as Trump supporters. Works for BLM riots right?🤣🤣

Your proof that Blue Lives Matter was never really about cops and all about white supremacy

the fact that people fight so much and can't just talk it out and agree on what's best for everyone is the sad state of human stupidity. with cops and protests it just manifests as cops doing their jobs and justifying it to themselves because even questioning their orders would be unpragmatic. and because they're violent fucking bullies.

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