Ainara Tjahir. · 7 answers · 8mo

What kind of characteristics you feel attracted to the most in someone?

The thing that attracted me the most in someone is probably how he communicates. I like someone who is firm, straightforward, and simple. Not someone who talks a lot but gets straight to the point. Someone whose way of speaking is good, smooth, and polite. Someone who values their convo partner and carefully pays attention to the topics. One more thing that can’t be overlooked is someone who’s skilled at flirting, and he’s aware that he’s hot as heck.

Mhm.. How they treat people around them, soalnya awal paling baik itu gimana dia treat orang orang yang ada di sekitar dia, so they will treat someone they love the most dengan lebih baik pastinya

Intelligent. Suka kalau brainstorming tentang suatu hal. Tapi jangan terlalu kaku juga. Jadi bisa selipin candaan.

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