Benjamien M. · 7 answers · 3mo

Friendly neighbourhood dog is here to check up on everyone! Hi. How are my sweet souls doing, are there any interesting events during the week? I'd love to hear more about how life has been treating you. Please, care to share? :)

Hi Ben! Gua akhir-akhir ini menjadi remaja workaholic abis alias kerja mulu (semoga gak kenapa kenapa) but i'm fine here! Thank you for checking me up!

Ben! I miss having interaction with you. I just had fun with my friends after almost a month we didn't meet each other. It made me sooo much happy. How about you?

Sleepy neighbourhood red panda is happily answer your question! Nothing interested on last week until weekend arrived, I help my younger sibling exercise and there is so many drama that happened. A fun drama! I ended up having stomach pain due to laughing too much. Life has been a lot better after I take hibernate for almost two months. It feels great to see you again. I hope you always be happy wherever you go, my BenBen.

Hi, I missed you so much, Ben. I'm doing well so far, thank you for asking. Actually now I am waiting for an information from someone. I hope it will come soon and live up to my expectations. How about you? I am curious.

HIIIII <3 AKU MINGGU INI HABIS BERLIBUR DARI JEPUN! seneng banget eueueueu udah balik sih sekarang..aku udah kangen lagi sama jepang..disana kedinginan disini kepanasan, ga kuat... aku kangen banget..rasanya mau tinggal disana. SEMOGA MINGGU KAMU JUGA SERU YA

hellooo, B! thank you for checking me up, how lovelyyyy. minggu-minggu ini belum adaa hal yang menarik, but I found and make a bond with a new people, been a long time with these good energy. how about you, B?

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