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Reign. · 5 answers · 1y

How do you deal with overwhelming emotion?

Depends, I often shrugs it off and go to sleep to put it down or just play or watch my comfort series/games.

Waduh, berat. Tapi kalo disuruh jawab, I'll go with pushing everyone away (gak, sih. lebih ke mengasingkan diri) itu udah paling bener, for me. Ngambil banyak waktu buat diri sendiri dan ngelakuin hal yang disuka, gitu. Sesederhana scroll pinterest udah bisa bikin tenang walau sedikit. Sisanya tinggal dinikmatin aja, biar reda sendiri.

I usually take a moment to breathe, journal my feelings, or talk it out with someone I trust. Sometimes a good playlist or a walk helps too.

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