Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Mahesa. · 4 answers · 12mo

How's your first day of February so far guys? Mind to share your thoughts 'bout it?

Gua lupa, tapi februari keknya first day gua pindah kerjaan ke tempat yang lebih nyaman dan menjanjikan

for the past 3 days, i've been crying constantly whether it's from reading a sad story or just reflecting on life. i don't know maybe it's my pisces side acting up after all yk fish have plenty of tears to shed, so it would be a waste not to use them, right? LMAO but everything else is fine, though. i mean, there are no major problems or anything. i'm still going about my day!!

Biasa aja not bad. Lumayan naik turun mood hari ini tapi gapapa sih I can handle it. How 'bout you?

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