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Mellissa · 16 answers · 9mo

What do you do when you're confused?

bengong.. if i need to find an answer to my confusion right away, i’d ask for help D: or else i’d take some time to think

· 38 answers · 9mo

Tell me your zodiac sign without telling me your zodiac sign!

Kaz · 9mo

thoughts on Kaz dong mil, biar ada kerjaan

Hunter Archibald. · 2 answers · 9mo

What kind of parent do you think you’d be?

maybe,. maybe i’d be that kind of parent who gets more excited than my child when we’re going to a kids cafe. could also ended up forgetting that i entered the kids cafe for watching after my kid, not for having fun on my own 😭

Hunter Archibald. · 6 answers · 9mo

Paling lama gak mandi berapa hari?

Hunter Archibald. · 4 answers · 9mo

Udah masuk musim hujan, mind to give me one song yang didengerin pas hujan lagi turun?

ustadhanbin · 4 answers · 9mo

Hewan, hewan apa yang paling jahat? Ya betul, ayam bakar Sukabumi. Padahal warga Sukabumi gak salah apa-apa.

Richter · 12 answers · 9mo

Suggest me a must watch movie, please?

Hunter Archibald. · 5 answers · 9mo

Info tempat pijet yang ok. 😭

gak pernah pijet, chie. geli banget soalnya takut makin capek karena ketawa 😞

· 19 answers · 9mo

Would you tell me your most-loved Ghibli Movie(s) and tell me the reason behind it? ♥︎

ponyo! because, who can resist little ponyo’s cute appearance and her pure love to sōsuke? 🥺 arrietty is on the top two of my favorite ghibli movies, because it has a visually pleasing animation! can i rent a room in arrietty’s little house, pretty please.. 🥺

anonymouse · 9mo

Sadly I can’t ask what was your dream about, but I hope tonight you have a nice dream. What you had today, is it tasty? Right, I’m getting well today thank you for your kind wishes these past days.

too bad that i can’t remember what my dream was :< if i get to have a dream tonight, i’ll take notes the moment i wake up so i could tell you a thing or two about it! that’s really sweet of you for sending me the wish, anon! may you have a nice dream too in your sleep tonight. today i had a meal that i have been craving for.. 🤤 yum! my tummy is happy today. i hope you are recovering well to your best healthy by this morning!

anonymouse · 9mo

Such a cutie, is it a nightmare? I hope you doing well today, Camille. Have you eaten? I’m a bit busy with my work today but it all ended well, masih sedikit pilek but I hope today is the last day this pilek gelendotan.

nawt a cutie!! i think it wasn’t a nightmare but still a bit too odd for me makanya bikin “hah..” pas bangun. thank you, anon. :] i had all my meals already! kamu, gimana? appetitenya udah balik kah? glad you have finished all your work today, anon! you did a great job, despite having the pilek gelandotan on you!!

anonymouse · 9mo

Glad to hear that, semoga pileknya hush hush terus ya. Anyways, how’s your sleep last night? And you wake up early, did you have some to do list today?

aamiin. thank you, anon!! hush hush, pilek!! i had a good sleep last night, i think i had a rather weird dream but i couldn’t recall what was that.. yes! hari ini aku harus nyelesain sesuatu so i woke up early. anon gimana? hari ini ngapain aja? badannya masih nggak enak kah? atau hari ini udah lebih baik dari yang kemarin? (maaf banyak nanya)

anonymouse · 9mo

Thank you for the good words, I hope the pilek doesn’t bother you again tomorrow. Kenapa belom tidur jam segini atau lagi siap-siap tidur?

and thank you for your kind wish too! i woke up this morning without any pilek again. i guess your words do wonder to my pilek. :] tadi malem tuh sambil siap-siap tidur, non.. abis itu langsung zzz..

anonymouse · 9mo

Karena not tasty body jadi gak bm makan banyak, tapi tetap makan demi bisa minum obat. Tadi pileknya karena kedinginan atau alergi?

;( semoga appetitenya cepet balik ya non!! barengan sama tasty bodynya. get enough rest biar bangun-bangun badannya lebih tasty lagi! I GUESS.. pilek alergi? nggak dari dingin because it’s been so hot at here. cuman gak tau juga alergi apa. thanks for checking up on me, anon.. that’s really sweet of you!

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