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Chayyi. · 9 answers · 2y

Do you think the image you have of yourself matches the image other people see you as?

KAYANYA SIH ENGGAK YA???? tapi nggak tau juga sih, soalnya aku nggak pernah nanya juga :(

Kayanya sama. I may seem tough to get to know, like I've got this huge wall up that's hard to climb. And everything you see is totally legit, guys. So just keep on assuming what you're assuming, no need to switch things up.

I barely made up anything except for my own satisfaction so yeah, maybe? (I'm not sure either). Paling, ada beberapa part kecil. Kaya kaku. I'm bawel though

No. Gue sering dikira hard to approach padahal aslinya gue badut receh banget.

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