Ψ · 16 answers · 24d

What is something you're weirdly good at?

uhhhhhhhhh hitting objects (baseball, pickleball, tennis, or even badminton)
probably doing stuff with my legs or feet ( kicking, picking things up, grabbing, etc)

Making coffee. A lot of people tell me my coffee is really good. I briefly worked as a barista, and that may be why. I learned to make coffee, cappuccino, and espresso there. I make it at home in a French press as well.

weirdly good at? i’m not sure if i understand what would qualify it as weird but i guess…hyperfocusing/learning everything about a game (as in like…absorbing lore and being able to remember it just from reading it like once), but i’m also good at picking up languages and touhou? idk

I'm oddly good at memorising specific small things a person does or is in any way.. its a good trait!

Flexibility~! For some reason even I always seemed to be notably more flexible than most folks I run into.

to be so real with u the only thing i can come up with is how no matter how conflicting the things i say may be (like, saying things back to back that DIRECTLY conflict eachother) people just seem to trust everything i say as i am generally viewed as like a credible source. cuz of how much i yap.... it's.... unreal. i could talk about how i love a character cuz theyre so jagged then follow up with how soft they seem and everyone i'm close with would just be like 'oh my god thats so fucking real.l you have changed how i view this character.... you may be the smartest person alive' and i swearrr they're not dumb.....

Video editing. I'm not great at it but I know my way around Kdenlive better than most people.

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