Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Ψ · 14 answers · 9mo

Are there any questions you wish you were sent on here?

Not really. I'm just glad everyone seems nice and anon questions aren't too weird, unlike the anons I get on my other Q&A sites, like Tellonym.

...over there anons send me weird creepy shit like. "I think you are pretty" and "I see you almost everyday but we never met" like, cut down on the creep factor over there.

honestly I'm at almost 700 answers (wtf I was at 666 the OTHER DAY), I can't think of anything that hasn't been asked already though I'm sure there's something >w<

Honestly I like the questions I get here >w< I'm lucky in that people have generally been pretty nice >w< Keep 'em coming, friends :D

I really want more direct asks... i dont get any like at all and id also just love getting sent some about my interests or literally just anything!! i wanna yap!!!

Inb4 the usual subjects come in and bombard me with these~ <3
But I like silly questions, ones that fluster me a little, ones that let me speak on my journey regarding my transition, and ones that ask about or encourage my art~!

More about my special interests, and I wish the anons who sent me music recommendations would follow up and tell me what they thought of the songs/albums I sent them

I wish people would send me things to with literature. I'd love to be sent extracts from books or poems, and anyone asking about my own personal writing too (now that I'm not as embarrassed about it!)

I like helping people with tech stuff. I wouldn't mind answering questions like that. :P

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