Magnus · 5 answers · 1y

In another reality, would you support the so called hero or villain?

I have to say that I canʼt decide it until I faced a situation where I would choose one between those two options. I guess itʼs just a matter of time and depends on our references.

both. the reason is pretty simple: they have their own moral compass and if we take a look from their shoes, everything will make sense. I think the reason to support one of them is only a matter of where you want to look.

I would show up wearing the costume of the hero in a broad daylight having my coffee and morning newspaper and wave to people saying heeyyy I saved your grandma last night then send them an invoice for it

Can I say in between? I mean, obviously I support hero because they could help someone's life but I'm not despise the villain either. Let's say, the villains are the jambrets and begals here in real life. Gak tau jir tapi ya gw netral aj. Lebih memilih support diri sendiri sih klo bisa. 🥺👉🏻👈🏻

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