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Medina · 8 answers · 8mo

does anybody have any movie or series recommendations? (no horror or gore, please!)

I will always recommend Good Will Hunting, if you haven't watched it. Bottoms, if you want a comedy type of movie. Godless for the series, it's a really good mini-series of the wild West, but well, I'd say it's a bit gorey because of the shootings, and a few trigger warnings. The Magicians is also good, but again, check for trigger warnings.

Medina · 5 answers · 1y

what's your all time favorite cartoon character guys please tell me

Medina · 1y

kapan lanjut shadow and bone s2 ny

Menzie · 2 answers · 1y

What should we do if we are in a sad mood?

Mm, find something to cheer us up! The simplest things usually make us feel the happiest, as for me, it's watching my favorite movies/series or playing games. Kadang juga makan makanan yang manis. :)

gondry · 1y

What are the hardest perks in becoming design student?

I don't fully understand the question tbh but I'm gonna answer it anyway aha. I believe every major has its difficulties, and as a design student, all those difficulties are worth it soalnya dapet skill, pengalaman, semuanya sih. Bonusnya dapet mental illness and sleep deprivation cuman ya gimana ya ngomongnya garuk kepala

Lil puppo · 1y

What do you like to learn?

As in what would I like to learn? Well, you can shoot another question if my answer didn't satiate your curiosity, ya. I like to learn about things that are related to my passion, which is drawing (I believe so), and that includes anatomy. I like to learn new stuff too, so I am a bit of an ambitious learner myself.

Magnus · 5 answers · 1y

In another reality, would you support the so called hero or villain?

Can I say in between? I mean, obviously I support hero because they could help someone's life but I'm not despise the villain either. Let's say, the villains are the jambrets and begals here in real life. Gak tau jir tapi ya gw netral aj. Lebih memilih support diri sendiri sih klo bisa. 🥺👉🏻👈🏻

Ferro · 1y

May February treat you good de. Bagi liat foto kucingnya dong

Thank you, abang! Semoga doanya juga berbalik ke abang ya... Btw adek udah gak bisa foto kucingnya lagi bang maap banh 😔

Ferro · 1y

Life update dong dede si tangan emas

Percaya gak bang sekarang dd punya kucing bang. Terus semester ini tugasnya bikin sakjiw, makanya dd on mulu ini.

A · 1y

Are the youth of this generation more pressured to perform than the youth of previous generations?

iza · 1y

5 paragraf untuk iza

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