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cic★ · 13 answers · 7mo

what do YOU think of me? 👀 (answer this to get free friendly hug from yours truly!!)

Auriga. · 11 answers · 6mo

cara pdkt sama orang gimana sih klo kalian? gua lupa cara pdkt yang baik dan benar bjir

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

What is your favourite food?

Eren! · 8 answers · 3mo

Temen-temen menurut kalian lagu tersedih tergalau the most heartbreak song itu lagu apa? Kasih tau dong

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

I hope you always have a good life and stay happy. I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you directly, but I really wish the best for you. I believe things will get better soon, and you'll be happy again. Goodluck ya, Theodore.

aamiin, makasih ya nder. semoga doa baiknya balik ke diri sender sendiri. goodluck juga!

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

may I know if you already set your eyes on someone lately?

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Jangan jahat jahat napa sama Kak Mitsy🥲

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Langit Arab kayak awan Indonesia ya ternyata panas bet kelihatannya

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Aku naksir Kakak udah dari lama banget, boleh gak kalo aku deketin Kakak? Pasti belum punya crush kan?

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