Sh. · 4 answers · 9mo

Who are you most thankful of currently? Why?

My mom. If it wasn’t for her, I’m not sure whether I’m still here or not.

all of my friends. especially for my abian, someone who always stay by my side. always here when i need someone to stay. always listening to my story. always giving me his kind words. always making me happy. always making me laugh because of his jokes. always making me feel that i'm good enough. always giving me his best advice. abian, idk if you'll see this or not but i'm so thankful you're here. i'm so grateful that you have been born in this cruel world. abian, let's together for a long time ya? let's spend our time together.

the people closest to me, because it's been a long time since I felt happiness before this.

AHAHAHA IT'S YOU SIH especially these days padahal aku jarang misuh2 kecuali udah kudu dikeluarkan tapi you listen to my misuh days ago, thank you ya :*

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