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Sh. · 9 answers · 7mo

Pernah kepikiran ga gimana kalau nanti kalian jadi orang tua?

Atheia. · 7 answers · 7mo

What's your #1 galau song/artist?

Linkin Park 😔 Lagu2nya selalu relate sih, sama lebih enak aja dengernya krn ikut ngeluarin emosi sambil nyanyiin lagu2nya

Sh. · 12 answers · 8mo

If you had to choose one, sun, star, moon, earth or cloud?

Sh. · 5 answers · 9mo

What's one thing that you don't want to let go eventhough you know that you should?

Karicia. · 27 answers · 9mo

who can't wait for the weekend?what do you usually do on the weekend?

Sh. · 4 answers · 9mo

Who are you most thankful of currently? Why?

AHAHAHA IT'S YOU SIH especially these days padahal aku jarang misuh2 kecuali udah kudu dikeluarkan tapi you listen to my misuh days ago, thank you ya :*

Sh. · 3 answers · 9mo

What's your thoughts about love?

Scary emotion that can change people from A to Z, consciously or unconsciously. It could kill us if we give/get the love to/from the wrong person, but it could be our blessing if we give and get it to/from the right person. The most terrifying gambling I think.

Sh. · 6 answers · 9mo

Kalau selama hidup cuma bisa minum 1 obat aja. Prefer keep obat apa? (We know we're not always healthy, but still hoping for everyone's best health tho)

Paracetamol pastinya. Bukan cuma meredakan sakit, it helps us to get drowsy and sleep so yeah, it's helpful selama masih dalam dosis yang dianjurkan.

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