Sh. · 4 answers · 8mo

If you have a choice, would you still choose to meet someone that you'll love more than anyone else you'll ever meet, but ended up being heartbroken by yourself?

Tbh, i'm not sure. On one hand, it sounds wonderful to meet a person who u can connect with on a deeper level and to love them with ur entire heart. But on the other hand, the heartbreak would be so hard to overcome.

Mungkin kalau bertemu dengan seseorang yang aku cintai, tapi untuk patah hati sendirian…

nOo, I think I would love myself more than I love him. meeting him makes me happy, but ill just miss our memories for a sec

Of course I'd gladly still choose to meet the person I loved before even though he will hurt me or I will hurt myself. I don't regret repeating that moment, because in my dictionary there is no regret when I love him at the my fullest. My love is so much bigger that it covers up the pain.

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