the f00fy one · 16 answers · 24d

When you consume fiction and participate in fandoms, are you more interested in the story, the lore/setting, the characters, or all three equally? And what elements of them specifically interest you?

it's almost always a mix of the three, but I think characters are weighted more heavily just because a compelling character can make even a bland story interesting. But I tend to prefer media with some fascinating lore or setting or at the minimum the story also. I need all three elements to become fully invested, is what I mean.

Really depends,, for some it’s mainly the characters (ex. Metal gear, dohna dohna, etc.) but 90% of the media I consume it’s all three!

Primarily characters but also setting/lore. I do care about plot, but i really like some good worldbuilding and complex characters... which makes a lotta sense since i always think about worldbuilding and characters when I write but can never seem to come up with a plot that i like.

Usually I become obssed with my favourite Chrachter I read everything I can find out about them then I get over it and move onto something else 🤣

All 3 of them equally; especially with Zelda. There’s sooo much content with that fandom to indulge in with the games & books and whatever other off-spins! The lore is mostly what interests me because of how complex the zelda timeline is, it splits off into 3 different branches from the main one and even now I still try to wrap my head around it. With the most recent games it’s so interesting to see how the characters develop as well. For example, we see Zelda go from being distant and not wanting to be around Link to them spending all their time together. This series makes me so happy :^)

Definitely the setting and lore less so. That’s why I appreciate au’s so much! For the characters and story!! I will comment on this post later wait

I care most about the story & characters I think… I’ve never put much into setting because a ‘good’ setting for me is something that fits well into the story so I don’t have to think about it much :3 I LOVE lore though, I could talk about my favorite games and shows lore for hours

I have to say all 3 almost equally (I prioritise story and characters a little more). While the setting gives the basis for the story, the story shapes it more, and then characters give it dimension and likeability. Characters are definitely my favorite aspect of media, since they can be related to and talked about in fandom alot more than a setting or something can be (atleast from what ive seen). It also might just be the artist genes but character design is the other gianttt factor that makes me the most interested in them.

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