Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Arthur · 5 answers · 1y

I feel that, when it comes to the codes of conduct of social platforms, stricter almost always means better. Though I personally wouldn't like to join platforms whose restrictions are too heavy. Do you agree with me?

They usually do not mean "code of conduct" when they get strict, they only are against nudes and bare breasts and not against fascist comments or fucked up bullies.

My personal ideal would be less restrictions from admin and more granular control from the user end so that they can curate their feed/timeline and only see what they want to

Ehhh, I think some restriction is necessary as the sheer scale of users reaches like, Instagram and Facebook levels. But I don't feel that stricter is better. We have to consider who is running the platform, as that tells you whose voices they are likely to suppress, and who they let run amok. Depending on who runs the show, not all rules are enforced equally.

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