Arthur · 6 answers · 26d

Some company decided to dump a ton of toluene on some river and now six cities are dry because water supply had to be interrupted. Thoughts?

If I dumped toluene into the river I'd be sitting in jail, the same should apply to that company

That is one of the causes that shifting production to foreign countries makes higher profits. In your country the willingness to ruin the country and the health of people in order to offer competitive production is high it seems. Also the worth of labour is lower plus social security is cheaper or absent. That makes a very competitive package. But it is paid for with the health of many a newborn too.

That is an awful thing to do and they should be sued to death. Whether they did it purposefully or out of negligence.

That's pretty idiotic. Besides being evil as most companies are, why did they expect to get away with that? Couldn't they have predicted that that would result? I hope they get fined a buttload.

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