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miwtuals · 1y

Apa rasa indomie favoritemu?

narissa · 1y

hai haii. may I get your follow back?

R · 13 answers · 1y

If you can choose a college major without considering financial situation and other things, what would be your major?

R · 15 answers · 1y

Tell me the reason why you choose your current username for Retrospring.

R · 15 answers · 1y

If you become a warrior, which weapon will you choose; sword or spear?

miwtuals · 1y

You don't have to know who am i, but i just want to say thank you for keep doing your best whatever happens to you lately. I love you. I really do. Thank you for not giving up although maybe things get hard sometimes. Keep your chin up and don't forget to be happy! Show the world how beautiful your smile is. Don't ever forget that happiness suits you well. Thank you for being born, Jerome Hayes.❤️

Bro… jangan gini… masa aku nangis lagi… fajdgajdh THANK YOU SO MUCH?? Your words means a lot for me, sender. Aku gak tau mau balas apa selain sejuta terima kasih untukmu. Kamu juga jangan lupa senyum! Kalau sayang sama aku, berarti kamu janji harus banyak bahagia yaa. AYAYU SO MUCH BFF! Kalau ada apa apa, kindly hit me up, I’m all ears for youuu <33

Alvellio Oseanne · 7 answers · 1y

Tutorial mukbang air terjun niagara dong

Alvellio Oseanne · 8 answers · 1y

Tanah liat, liat apa ya

Liatin lu yang lagi dalam proses berkembang untuk menjadi pemuda yang berguna bagi bangsa dan negara

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